Column & Boom Welding Machines

Our range of Column & Boom Welding Machinery (CBWM), is capable of welding pipe sections ranging from 30 – 2000 mm using multiple weld processes. Our CBWM have been used in the oil & gas, mining, food & beverage, and processing industries Australia wide. For the best in automated CBWM, Smithweld manufacture, configure and commission the following products:
Unlike other CBWM on the market, Smithweld incorporates their drive systems within the column. This adds a level of safety and stability not found in other booms, as the mechanical drive systems are not exposed. Other advantages of the unique Smithweld design include:
- 12 points of contact in the column for a super smooth vertical drive.
- 9 points of contact supporting the boom for an extra stable horizontal adjustment,
less recoil. - An enclosed drive system is protected from external ingress by foreign objects.
- Reduced wear & tear and requirement for regular maintenance.
- Strong but lightweight reinforced structural design.
We also manufacture small scale booms with external drive systems and manual adjustment for smaller jobs. For enhanced performance take a look at our Laser alignment system. Smithweld Column & Boom Welding Machinery meets & exceeds AS/NZS-3000-2009 electrical standards.
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